Julia Fulmore Ph.D.

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Assistant Professor of Management, Gupta College of Business

电话: (972) 721-4099

电子邮件: jfulmore@90bc.net

Office: SB Hall #223

Why did you become a professor?
I believe the purpose God put me on this earth for is to be a professor.  研究生期间 school that purpose was confirmed by my passion for teaching and re搜索. 

What do you enjoy most about teaching?
What I enjoy the most about teaching is the interaction with the students.  我的背景 and experiences allow me to bring a unique perspective into the classroom to reinforce 的内容.   

What do you hope students gain from your courses?
My hope is for my students to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to gain employment and/or advance in their selected career fields.

What did you do prior to entering academia?
I worked in industry as a product manager for an international company in Germany.  I worked at the secondary level as a high school math teacher.  I worked at the post-secondary level as an instructional consultant for a state university.

What are you passionate about outside of the University?
I enjoy reading, traveling and spending time with my family.  I have traveled to several beaches around the world.  I enjoy spending time with my kids and my husband. 我们享受 the outdoors, especially if it has to do with water.

What are your re搜索 interests?
My re搜索 interests include ethics, organizational culture, organizational commitment, leadership, and statistical methods